Pay off your mortgage faster

Paying off your mortgage early will save you money and take a financial load off your shoulders. Here are some ways to get rid of your mortgage debt faster. Switch to fortnightly payments If you’re currently paying monthly, consider switching to fortnightly repayments. By paying half the monthly amount every two weeks you’ll make the … Read more

New changes to home-based business expenses

If you operate some or all of your business from home, you may be able to claim the business-use portion of expenses you incur. For example: occupancy expenses (such as mortgage interest or rent, council rates, land taxes and home insurance premiums) running expenses (such as electricity, gas, phone, internet, stationery, cleaning and the decline … Read more

The importance of SMSF succession planning

Preparing for loss of capacity or death is vital for SMSF members. It’s important to ensure your trust deed is watertight. There are more than 600,000 self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) in Australia, managing close to $900 billion of assets on behalf of over a million Australians. Each SMSF’s trust deed is legally required to set … Read more

Think you’ll never fall for a scam? Think again!

It’s no secret that scammers are getting more sophisticated. As this is an ever-evolving space, scammers are constantly developing new ways to part you with your hard-earned cash – and they cast their net wide.  While it’s easy to think “it will never happen to me”, people who never expected to be victims of scams … Read more

How to get super ready for EOFY

Superannuation has dominated recent headlines, with proposed changes announced by Treasurer Jim Chalmers. While the details of these changes still need to be released, it’s worthwhile turning our focus to superannuation balances as we approach the end of financial year. There are lots of different ways to top up your super, but if you want … Read more

8 retirement mistakes and how to avoid them

Retirement is a phase of life most of us look forward to. It’s a chance to pursue other interests, travel and maybe do some part-time work or volunteering. Thanks to more than 30 years of compulsory superannuation, we are retiring with more savings than previous generations but that also brings its challenges. According to the … Read more

Stepped vs level premiums: which is best?

These days, most people hold some form of life insurance in their super account. While this is a welcome safety net, the level of cover held this way is often inadequate. A Rice Warner study back in 2020 found that life cover within superannuation only met about 65-70 per cent of actual need.i With the … Read more

Devil in the detail on super changes

Proposed changes to superannuation have the potential to reshape the retirement landscape. The objective of super remains the missing ingredient in the mix. At its most fundamental, successful investing is about getting the balance right between risk and reward. Some risks are front and centre; they are in your face (or at least on your … Read more


Crypto-assets (crypto) mean digital assets including cryptocurrencies, coins or tokens. They digitally represent your ownership of a value or rights to something. They may or may not be backed by physical assets. Crypto is a high-risk investment. The value of crypto is very volatile, often fluctuating by huge amounts within a short period. More than … Read more